
New Drawers for the Camping Kitchen Box

I am always tinkering with the design and construction of the Camping Kitchen Box Chuck Box, and yesterday I did a pretty major revision on the drawers. Below is the end results front and back. Beautiful aren't they? OK beautiful for drawers made out of blue corrugated plastic... But how are they different from the old drawers? Below is a comparison shot... New on the left and old on the right. You may notice the main reason I did this, to eliminate the exposed 'End Grain' edges. With the new drawer all the edges are nice and smooth as a...

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Coffee Percolation

Brewing Coffee Like Grandpa Start by adding water to the pot for the desired amount of coffee. Place the pump in the pot and place the coffee basket on the pump tube. Make sure that the water level is below the bottom of the basket.Add one tablespoon coarse ground coffee per six ounce cup to the basket. Put the basket lid / spreader plate on the basket and then put on the pot lid.Start heating the water. Watch the clear knob on the lid for water rising through the tube. When the water starts to bubble, you may need to...

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Camping Chili Recipe

Here is a pdf version for easy printing Below is the same information with a couple of embellishments. Throw the following in a pot, bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes. Meat one pound of cooked ground meat (beef, chicken, turkey, pork, venison or other or maybe in  combination. if it is greasy meat, drain it. If you are a vegetarian you can skip the meat part and add an extra can of beans. A Cooked Onion Chop (1) onion and cook it up in some oil. If the meat you chose is fatty, you can cook the...

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Camp Dish Cleanup The 5 Step / 3 Tub Method

There are many ways to clean camp dishes, some more effective than others. Some people are fine with making them look clean, but I try and be a bit fastidious in my camp dish cleanup. Maybe I have an out of proportion fear of dysentery, but the following method is health department approved.  Washing the dishes themselves is a 5 step process. Pre-Wash, Wash, Rinse, Sterilize and Dry.  The Following equipment and Supplies are required (3) Wash Tubs Water Hot water Soap Sanitation chemicals Scrub brush and/or a sponge Step 1 Pre-Wash The first step is to scrape off as...

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Cooler Corn Infographic

A little Info-graphic on cooler corn. Cooler corn is an easy way to cook corn for a large group of people.

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