The Camping Kitchen Box is the best chuck box .
✓ Everything is organized and easy to get to with useful shelves and drawers.
✓ Lightweight (10 pounds) and easy to carry unlike other heavy chuck boxes which can weigh 25 or 30 pounds (or even more)
✓ All your cooking gear in one place, ready to go.
Other Products
How Tough is the Camping Kitchen Box?
What Can the Camping Kitchen Box Hold ?
The Camping kitchen Box can hold a LOT. Pictured in this video is a Coleman 413 stove, a Griddle, an 8" fry pan, a 10" fry pan, a 2 qt pot, a 4 qt pot , a 10 qt pot, plates, bowls , coffee cups, cutting sheets, a roll of paper towels, a spatulas, tongs, some large spoons, and kitchen knives, eating utensils, a 5 cup coffee percolator, a dish pan, colander and more.
Latest Blog Posts

Updated, New and improved Products. Now more Camp Goodness! →
In the winter darkness of the past couple months I have upgraded, enhanced or created a new variety for 3 of the Camping Kitchen Box products. And now that it...

Menu / Checklist Holder - A Customer Customization →
A customer customization that adds a menu / checklist / duty roster hanger to the camping kitchen box.

Redesigned Headlamp Hangers →
There are some new design for the Headlamp Hangers. Why? Because I am working on my Fusion 360 skills, and needed a practice project. And in the end I thought it was really neat the way it...