Winter's the Time to Practice Good Camp Cookery

While cleaning up at my parents house, my brother found this page cut from the Longmont Colorado Daily Times-Call , dated Wednesday March 3, 1971, which appears to be part of a regular feature called “Cooks’ tour of the Valley” . The headline sums it up nicely, as a good headline should. Enjoy! Winter's the Time to Practice Good Camp Cookery PHOTO FEATURE by DIANNE BOONS Come spring and summer, many Cooks' Tour readers will be taking to the trail or the campground. They may be on foot, or horseback, in a canoe or in autos or campers. No matter how...
Black is the new Black

It took a while to get here but we are now offering the Camping Kitchen Box in another color…Black Available now at the Camping Kitchen Box store and Etsy The Camping kitchen Box in Black.. very elegant isn’t it? Same great functionality, but it goes with everything… of course so does white :)
Introducing the Sample Camping Kitchen Box

The almost useful sample camping kitchen box Even for people that are familiar with the concept of a chuck box, I understand that it might be a little hard to wrap your head around a chuck box that is made out of corrugated plastic. Once again the miracle of internet shopping was thwarted by the inability to touch the product, but what could I do? First couple of not totally silly sample Camping Kitchen Boxes I have been using some of the leftover pieces of 4mm plastic from making the drawers to make bins that are useful for small parts...
Colored Webbing

We added a new option for the Camping Kitchen Box... colored webbing for the buckles and the drawer handles. This will be very useful for those who need multiple boxes and want to be able to easily tell them apart. Of course it is also nice if you just want a little splash of color. If your favorite color is not here contact us and we can probably order it for you. The New Webbing Color Choices are Black, Blue, Green, Orange and Red
Beating up the Camping Kitchen Box.

Some people can’t believe a chuck box made out of plastic can be very tough. I made a video to correct that misconception I dropped the Camping Kitchen Box loaded with gear repeatedly from 10 feet onto concrete. How did it do? Well watch the video. I can’t wait for some else to repeat this experiment with their wooden or aluminium chuck box!