D.I.Y. Pour Over Coffee Maker

I made a pour over coffee maker out of a plastic cutting sheet and zip ties. It weighs next to nothing and can be folded down, which makes it great for the backpacker (as well as anyone else) who can’t live without freshly brewed coffee in the morning. I purchased both the cutting sheets and the zip ties at a the dollar store, so cost for this project is just 2 bucks! The tools required for this project are very basic , just a ruler, a straight edge, a utility knife or scissors and an awl. To start cut two pieces from...
A Smaller Chuck Box

IT LOOKS COOL, BUT CAN YOU MAKE IT SMALLER? One of the more common comments about the Camping Kitchen Box is "It looks cool, but can you make it smaller?" Well after some noodling, some head scratching and some prototypes that went straight into the recycling bin, the answer is "Yes!" I am proud to present the "Camping kitchen Box 650" the little brother to our classic chuck box, which is now know as the "Camping Kitchen Box 1000". The new Camping Kitchen Box 650 on the left, and our traditional chuck box on the right. SO WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN...
Camping Kitchen Box vs Cabela's Deluxe Camper's Kitchen
I just had someone email me and ask me how the Camping Kitchen Box stacks up against the Cabela's Deluxe Camper's Kitchen. I guess I should mention that I have never actually seen this particular item in real life, so my opinions are based on what facts I can get from the web site and experience with similar products. I am sure that the Cabela's kitchen is a fine product, I am just making a comparison of functionality and features. My response follows: I don't know all the reasons folks purchase one or the other, but when comparing the Camping Kitchen...
Connecting Corrugated Plastic Sheets with Pop Rivets

Since I have been making the Camping Kitchen Box I have been using plastic ratchet rivets to hold the box together, and they have worked well, except for two of issues. First, if you really pull on them they can come apart, which was not an issues except for a couple of boxes where I used them to hold the straps for the buckles.. When I replaced rivets that held the straps with some pop rivets and fender washers and that worked great. The other issue is that occasionally the plastic rivets would break when I assembled them. This was...
DIY Rope Cutter

I have posted a quick video on my very simple rope cutter made with nichrome wire, a PC Power Supply a some bits laying around the shop. Please use common sense when playing with electricity and hot wires.